Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Calm After the Storm

This is a quick blog to just check in. We are in New Hampshire now having officially started and finished one state of our deputation. Maine was a gorgeous state. God performed many miracles for us and I think that my initial distaste of camping has finally calmed down to some degree. It seems that our truck and our 5th wheel are finally in working order. Nobody told us that RV's were so fickle. Everyone we talk to now that we have one is telling us about all the maintenance that they require. I guess this is like our spiritual lives. We come to God excited about what he is doing and eager to jump in and be involved but over time,we lose our first love. Everything becomes an obligation. Be sure to do your routine maintenance checks. You definitely don't want to feel about God the way I feel about travel trailers =) I am enjoying my time in the North East, but I am definitely a mid-west girl. Everything seems much more expensive here. I just wanted to drop a line in case anyone is actually reading this blog. At some point when I'm not sleep deprived and in a rush to get on the road I'll write something good and relevant. For now, you get my random flows of thought.
Love ya!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to stop in to tell you that I check your blog every day. It brightens my day to read, as I can hear your voice in my head and it makes me so happy!

I just want to send my love and support and let you know that there are "lurkers" like me reading and praying for you and LOVING hearing about all of the great things you're doing!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Amy said. I check yours and Johnathans blogs atleast 4 times a week. I think so much of what you say about camping is so funny. You could write a book.

Love and miss you guys,
