Sunday, October 26, 2008

Say So

Recently a very popular song has emerged by Israel Haughton entitled "Say So". The essence of the song is to ponder the meaning of salvation and our role as believers in declaring the gospel. I have thought of this song several times. The faith and excitement that occurs in a congreation when this song is sung is palitable. We get so excited about saying so, rising up, and being salt and light to the world. The most climactic moment of the song is when the congreation sings " I am redeemed". This song is very powerful because it should stop and make us think about what we are doing currently as the body of Christ. Are we really "Saying So", or do we just get excited about being at church and patting ourselves on the back for our good sense to come to Christ?

Another thing I have pondered on this topic is are we really salty? Are we really lit up for God, or are we just a 10 watt bulb on the verge of burning out? The Bible talks about salt that has lost its flavor. It is good for nothing. Also, a lamp that is burnt out or hidden produces no results.
Matt 5:13-16
"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. 14 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Could it be that many of us hide behind tradition and thinly veiled Christianity because our salt is not savory and our light is burnt out? Could we be so caught up in our so called separation from the world that we forgot to be IN the world? What good is a lamp that is not plugged in or salt that is not shaken?

Social networking sites like everyonesapostolic have somewhat turned me off. Why can't we be on facebook and network with people that are not of our faith? Should we really group off into elite communities and leave behind those we attended school with, work with, and see at our local grocery stores? The only harm in sites like facebook and myspace is the user. If you don't have the self control to avoid looking at and ingesting things that are sinful, then you quite possibly aren't the salt that God called you to be. We should have the patience to venture out into the world and the perserverance to affect our world without it tainting our personal walk with God. We should have the fortitude to stand for what is right without alienating those that don't share our current set of values and beliefs. Do we accomplish a lot for God by being dogmatic and judgemental, or is salt tastier when sprinkled on bits at a time? The same is true with light. Light is powerful and eye opening, however, light in too strong of a dose just leaves us tired and sunburnt.

I recently found an interesting product online that I had no prior knowledge of. I found a product called a salt crystal lamp. This product for me is the embodiment of what God has called Christians to be. The product is described like this: "Salt crystal lamps promote comfort, relaxation and a healthy environment. They act as air purifiers by neutralizing harmful pollutants and emitting health promoting ions through a process only possible with the mineral salt. It is well known that chemical salt is essential for bodily functions. The illuminated salt crystal lamps work as natural amplifiers for these good vibrations so necessary for our health and well being."

We are to be a combination of salt and light spreading good will and the gospel to those that are lost. Be encouraged to "Say So" this week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who am I?

The sentiments of finding oneself are echoed in numerous modern, popular worship songs. "Who am I that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my pain, care to know my hurt........", " I am a friend of God, he calls me friend.........", " I know who I am, I know who I am, I know who I am, I am yours...........", and " I am not forgotten, God knows my name" are just a few that come to mind. We sing these songs with great fervor in our hearts and spirits and a sense of pride and belonging wells up from deep within us. We no longer have self-esteem issues and concerns of loneliness, but we have the friend that sticks closer than a brother. Why is it then that so many Christians are defeated, alone, depressed, discontented, and friendless? I began to ponder this issue and it dawned on me that it could possibly be because the church world has one mold. Many groups of spirit filled churches seem to attract the same type of person and you can identify them in public. While an identity in Christ and identification with a group of believers is a good thing, we need to strike a balance between the core of who we are as individual believers and who we are as a body. Far too often I have seen people not be interested in Christ, or leave the body because they have never found their place. Every individual has their own strengths, interests, and desires. Every individual has their own personality. God has not called us to fit a cookie cutter, but to be disciples of him.

We can all find our identities in Christ, and we should be identifiably separate from the world in our lifestyle, attitude, and choices. However, beyond that, God gets glory in our individuality. He created us all with a free will and with the ability to make different choices. Everyone has a different personality. Some are shy, some are outgoing, some are smart, some are not so smart, some are talented in music, some are talented in computers, and others still, are leaders and others are followers. God has no desire for us to all become the same shape of cookie in his kingdom. Too many people have chosen no identity in Christ because they are afraid of losing who they are. They don't want to be someone that wears suits. It is ashamed that we have tried to "institutionalize" the body of Christ. The arm and the leg don't look alike. They are identifiable as being from the same body, but they perform different functions and look differently. If you are white, your arm and leg are both white, if you are black, your limbs also match, however, beyond that, they are distinctly different. This same thing can be said for the body of Christ. We should all be identifiable as part of the same body. We should have some characteristics that immediately identify us as believers, but beyond that, we should be comfortable in our individuality and different function.

I guess I want to say, don't let another soul be lost because they don't want to wear a suit to church. Allow them to express their identity in themselves and be plugged into the body. Somethings that God asks us to do require us to lay aside our own desires and selfish will, however, more often than not, God gets delight in our creativity and differences. Remember, we serve a creative God. He designed and created the world we live in. He has a sense of humor. (This is very obvious when we look at some people. haha) He gets glory when we express who we are. We need to find our identity in Christ without sacrificing our interests and pursuits. Obviously, there are some human interests and pursuits that are contrary to the Word of God. These are called principals. We can teach people principals of the Word of God and use that as the guide that we live by. We get a new name and identity when we are born into the body of Christ, he transforms our thinking and choices, but he doesn't take away your sense of humor, goals, and abilities. Celebrate your diversity within Christ!

God wants to change our sinful nature and have us die out to our sin man, he never asked us to lay aside our personality and creativity! We are the expressed image and likeness of God. God is creative, true, and just. God is friendly, kind, and loving. Let us fit our self within the principles of God and delight in his creative powers.

Rom 6:6
6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;
Eph 4:22-24
22 that, in reference to your former manner of life, you A lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Col 3:9-10
1 A Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him —


We are back in the Hoosier state once again after spending 6 days in North Carolina for General Conference. There were several amazing "God" moments at the conference that I wanted to share. Almost 400 people received the gift of the Holy Ghost, 2 women got up from their wheelchairs to walk, and a deaf ear was unstopped. God is still performing the miraculous in our generation. We need to stop looking to the past and experiences from yesteryear and keep our eyes focused on what God is doing now. The Bible says that the latter rain, or outpouring in the end times, will be greater than the former rain. Our faith should not be shaken by circumstance, but should hold strong in the truths that we know and demonstrations that we see. The Bible talks about not always seeking for a sign and not always basing things in signs and wonders, however, God encourages us to act on our faith and see the miraculous performed. The only thing that will bring the lost souls of the 21st century to their knees is an apostolic demonstration. Don't fear holding to the truth in this day and age. The truth of the mighty God in Christ, the infilling of the holy ghost, apostolic giving, fellowship, and doctrine, and the miraculous will shake our cities and bring our generation to a knowledge of God. In an era where humanism and politics are our God, theories, ideas, and marketing will not make us stand out. The only thing that will make our truth relevant is its life changing abilities.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I decided today that I would post on my blog the statement that I had on our previous church's website. I replaced the terminology New Life Church for the Bridge Church, but my theories and vision for a worship ministry remain the same. As the Worship Ministry Leader of our church plant, The Bridge Church, I wanted to begin thinking about, planning for, and striving towards excellence and the mind of God. Music will play an integral role in attracting new peole into our church. I may change some of my vision and tweak my statement when we are on location, but for now, I'll post what I've done in the past. If it isn't broke, why fix it?

Verse: "God’s Kingdom is like a perfect, flawless pearl. When a Jewel Merchant sees it, in his excitement and joy he sells all he owns to buy this one treasure” (Matthew 13:44 paraphrased)

Life can often feel like a busy, fast-moving journey. We have to keep running onwards, and get little time to look around and take in the scenery. But every now and then, we arrive at a bend in the road, or reach the top of a hill or mountain. In that place we have to pause, take in the view around us and decide which direction and path we will take next. We must also choose who and what governs our decisions and priorities in life.

Music is an important part of the ministry of the body. It creates a time for us to relax, breathe, think about the priorities of this life, and be ushered into the presence of the Lord. Through the ministry of music, we are given hope, washed in faith, and prepared with a spirit of expectancy.
Music is the end to the days spent searching for God and waiting for his next move. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people. If you are struggling with the decisions of life and feel that God can not be found, engulf yourself into an atmosphere of worship and praise and be surprised, even delighted, when God shows up. He will answer your prayer, heal you, and give your life the meaning that you so desire.

Music, worship, and praise were the weapons that God used many times in the Old Testament to defeat the army of the enemy. Even now as the enemy of our souls preys on us and we are drawn by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, we can lift our hands in surrender and worship to the Lord and conqueror the enemy.

Here at The Bridge Church we strive for excellence in our music ministry. The book of Psalms states that we should play skillfully for the Lord. However, we always keep in mind that the meager talents we possess are a direct gift from above. Through lively, passionate worship and praise we endeavor to uplift the down, give salvation to the lost, and most of all glorify the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Music Ministry, which sets the tone for worship services and provides music for special events, includes the Ensemble, Soloists, Small Groups, Sign Language Team, and the Worship Team.

Members of the music ministry meet each week to practice and to lead worship in the services. We also have a big practice once a month.

The music ministry is involved in a number of activities. These include:
Rehearsals (including teaching, training, and coaching)
Concerts for the community and church
Serving as worship leaders for all services
Social events for members
Come experience the talent and anointing of our Worship Ministry
Jessica L. Buckland, Worship Ministry Head

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pennies from Heaven

After a couple of weeks in Michigan, we pulled into Indiana today. We are basing out of Indianapolis where Jonathan's one remaining, living grandfather lives. It is a blessing to be able to spend time with him as well as his grandmother with Alzheimer's. We cherish the moments our boys get to know their great grandfather. I don't really have any deep thoughts to share today, really I have just more of a testimony. The last couple of weeks have not been very easy financially. Between the funeral of Jonathan's other grandfather in Chicago, the lack of a full schedule in the Michigan district, and the sheer cost of life on the road/ living by faith, things pile up. I was checking our online banking against the check book registry I keep, and there is a $250 deposit showing up on our online banking that I literally cannot account for. The only thing i can think of is that someone has been sensitive to the voice of God and has allowed him to use them to bless us. In the day of modern technology, God rarely sends actual manna from heaven or has pennies rain on us, but he can use someone to make a deposit into our checking accounts that we find out about via the world wide web. whoever did this obviously wishes to remain anonymous, but to them , if they read this, I say thanks. We all want to experience the blessings of God and have stories of faith to share, but the truth is, to create the environment for God to provide miraculously sometimes it requires discomfort on our parts. I have the personality where I don't like to ask people for anything. I am a self starter and have always worked for everything that I have ever had. With hard work, perseverance, principles of stewardship, and following God, I have built my life. It is so foreign for me to live on the road at the mercy of others instead of just getting a job, clocking in and getting a pay check that way. God has proven once again that if we will do what he asks for us to do, he will go exceeding abundantly farther for us than we could dream. This is just one of many stories like this that I have since we have walked out in faith to start a church in the Cleveland metro area. Nothing will stop the direction, focus, or vision that God has imparted to us. Not all of our stories involve money, but I don't want to fail to give God thanks or glory for what he has provided. I also don't want to miss the chance to say thanks to whoever listened to God. If we don't listen to his word, he can't move. We are the hands and feet of his body on earth. Do what he tells you to do!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Beginnings

Yesterday Gentry finally got his first official tooth! He has been teething for a seemingly endless period of time. He got his breakthrough. It is a bottom front tooth. It was barely poking out yesterday and today it is big and shiny and visible for all to see. I guess the endless screaming, moodiness, and diarhea are all explained. He is 9 and 1/2 months, so it is time for his pearly whites to shine through. Everyone is doing well. We are back in Michigan on deputation now again. If you get a minute say a prayer for my sister in law. Shortly after Grandpa Hilderbrand's funeral, she got a call on her phone that her 56 year old aunt passed away in a surgery with a 98 % chance of survival. Needless to say, the family was not prepared for that loss. She and Matthew Buckland drove late into the night following the funeral to be with her family during this tragic time.
We will be in Indiana in a couple of weeks and we will also be driving to North Carolina for General Conference. Crazy times!

God is Pro-Choice

I chose this title because I knew that if somebody were to check my blog, it would catch their eye. The very title of this goes against what everybody knows what I believe to be true. In an earlier posting, I discussed the topic of birth and stretched our minds to think of the possibilities that we may be born predisposed to certain types of sin. This blog challenged Christians to think and compare things in light of the word of God. It isn't always good, prudent, or wise to dismiss people and lifestyles that we deem sinful. These are the very people that we should be reaching out to the most. These are the people that we need sitting in our churches.

In the process of birth, there is a 9-10 month gestation period. I, for one, was dismayed to find out that we truthfully aren't pregnant for just 9 months, but our pregnancies are based on 40 weeks, which is technically 10 months. Pregnancy begins when the DNA of a man and a woman meet to form a new, living creature. Perfect babies are not just one day dreamed of, thought of, and created, rather there is a very long, sometimes painful process that occurs for new life to enter the world. There are months of preparation, caffeine elimination, nausea, moodiness, and growth. The growth occurs in both the mother and the baby. Sometimes the creation of human life is even more intense. The simple concept of the "birds and the bees" isn't sufficient. Numerous couples undergo rigorous fertility treatments, painful operations, and financial devastating tests in order to produce life. Even further yet, many people experience miscarriages,still births, and sometimes women chose to end a life that has begun through abortion.

I began to think of these things in relationship to our walk with God. I am particularly keen on this subject now for many reasons. One, I have given birth and been pregnant twice in the past 3 and a half years Two, many of my friends are currently expecting babies. Finally and third, we are in the process of starting a new church. Brand new churches are referred to as church plants. I prefer to think of them as nursery's and birthing wards. The new birth experience is mentioned time and again in the Bible. It is something that God desires for everyone. He doesn't want anyone to perish in the spiritual sense, but have everlasting life. This can only be achieved through regeneration. I have heard the church referred to as a hospital my whole life. You don't go to a hospital well, but you go to receive treatment and healing. God is the great physician and the church body is his hospital. If this is the case, then my analogy of a new church being the birthing ward is completely accurate.

I chose to title this blog "God is Pro-choice" because I have seen too many churches never get off the ground, too many established churches stagnate, and too few people fulfilling the great commission. (The great commission being to go into all the world and preach the gospel, to seek and to save those who are lost.) The Pro-Choice argument in the secular world is an argument that women should have the choice when they will give birth and what they will do with their bodies. This is completely incorrect terminology. The politicians are not pro-choice, they are pro abortion. Being pro-choice truly should mean that you chose before you copulated either to use birth control or not use birth control or that you made the choice to remain abstinent or not abstinent. That is where the choice should end. If you chose incorrectly, you should live with the results.

In the spiritual world, many Christians choose to terminate a new birth before it really becomes the baby in Christ that He desires for it to be. When new people come into our churches, we prematurely try to change them and force lifestyles and beliefs onto them. This would be like taking a month old embryo and asking it to ride a bicycle. When it fails to do so and dies, we just judge the embryo and say that it must not have a desire to ride the bike. In the spiritual world we say it must not really be hungry for God. They don't truly desire truth. It is insane for us to think that new people who have no knowledge of God or his principles should adhere to a certain lifestyle or that they should worship the way that we do immediately after encountering God. These are people who are just gestating in Christ. We need to nourish them, watch our mouths ( I know when I was pregnant I was very careful not to ingest toxins and caffeine), hold them, and allow them to grow at the pace they are capable of. Just like in the natural world, some babies are born premature and thrive outside of the womb at just 28 weeks or so of gestation, while other babies need the full 40 weeks to survive and thrive. We have all seen "road to Damascus" conversions where people find God, change all their wicked ways, serve Him hard core, and are used in ministry almost over night. This is very exciting, however, for the most part, people take time to learn the Bible, learn God's word, have God prove himself, and have the body of Christ minister to them. Sometimes people that jump in too soon crash and burn, just like some preemies initially thrive only to have developmental delays later in life.

God is Pro-Choice. He is for us making the correct choices. He doesn't want our churches to commit spiritual abortions and sabotage people searching for Christ. He desires for His church to be filled with healthy, thriving, growing, nourished babes in Christ. He desires for these Babes in Christ to reach spiritual maturity and consequently have their own spiritual births. None of these desires can come into fruition if we prematurely cut people off, judge them, and kill the birthing process before they are ready to be released. People are searching for love, acceptance, guidance, and belonging. If they can't find these things in the body of Christ, then we are not the Christians that God wants us to be. In addition, as a pregnant mom grows with her baby, we as established Christians should be continually growing in our walk with God as we minister to others and share the bread of life. If we aren't growing, those around us won't either. None of us are perfect. We are all on a journey and in need of expansion.

John 13:34-35

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

35 " By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." NASU