We are currently deputizing in our 5th wheel attached to our Ford F-350 Quad Cab Dually truck. Filling up at the gas station is a complete nightmere. Disel fuel in New York, where we currently are, is$5.09 a gallon and climbing. Because we are driving such a huge contraption, on the interstate we are averaging between 11 and 12.2MPG's. I have attempted to strategize a plan to avoid filling stations all together, but obviously that is not possible. We are doing all of the techniques that we read about in R-V living 101. We don't go over 60 mph, we don't idle, and we don't gun the engine. Today we are headed into Long Island in New york for a service and not only do we have the pleasure of $5.09 and higher disel, but we are facing the obstacles of $40 roundtrip tolls.
The point of this blog is not to complain, but to discuss fuel. As much as we hate fuel and filling up, our lives would be miserable without it. We would be stranded and we would not be able to experience life to the fullest. Many of us go about our spititual lives in this manner. We avoid witnessing, we avoid daily devotions, and we drag ourselves to church with no attempt to glean any spiritual fuel. Just like the engines on our car, we sputter and buck with no fuel and we eventually die off. The bible says that we need the Sincere Milk of the Word that we may grow thereby. We can fill our spitual tanks with christian music and church attendance, but that is no substitute for the Study of the Word of God. Just a continual cultural pentecostal diet will not help us to achieve the full power of our spiritual engines. If I put unleaded fuel into my disel tank, it would not run.
Don't try to avoid the spiritual pump! Fill your tank with the word of God.
Excellent corelation.
10 or 11 miles to a gal. WoW! We
only get 6,7, and if it's a good day maybe 8 mpg.
I can just imagine driving that rig on Long Island. Be sure to keep a journal, you'll be able to write a book when is all said and done. Aunt Pat
Hi Jessica,
We're traveling east from Washington to Maryland. So far diesel fuel is cheaper in South Dakota than other states, but we've not made it past SD yet so better prices may be yet to come. I certainly feel the pocket pain at each stop too. We're driving 2 cars, so it's double drain on the wallet. Anyway, good to read your blog. Pat sent it to me. We'll be stopping to see her on our way through. Enjoy your day!
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