After a couple of weeks in Michigan, we pulled into Indiana today. We are basing out of Indianapolis where Jonathan's one remaining, living grandfather lives. It is a blessing to be able to spend time with him as well as his grandmother with Alzheimer's. We cherish the moments our boys get to know their great grandfather. I don't really have any deep thoughts to share today, really I have just more of a testimony. The last couple of weeks have not been very easy financially. Between the funeral of Jonathan's other grandfather in Chicago, the lack of a full schedule in the Michigan district, and the sheer cost of life on the road/ living by faith, things pile up. I was checking our online banking against the check book registry I keep, and there is a $250 deposit showing up on our online banking that I literally cannot account for. The only thing i can think of is that someone has been sensitive to the voice of God and has allowed him to use them to bless us. In the day of modern technology, God rarely sends actual manna from heaven or has pennies rain on us, but he can use someone to make a deposit into our checking accounts that we find out about via the world wide web. whoever did this obviously wishes to remain anonymous, but to them , if they read this, I say thanks. We all want to experience the blessings of God and have stories of faith to share, but the truth is, to create the environment for God to provide miraculously sometimes it requires discomfort on our parts. I have the personality where I don't like to ask people for anything. I am a self starter and have always worked for everything that I have ever had. With hard work, perseverance, principles of stewardship, and following God, I have built my life. It is so foreign for me to live on the road at the mercy of others instead of just getting a job, clocking in and getting a pay check that way. God has proven once again that if we will do what he asks for us to do, he will go exceeding abundantly farther for us than we could dream. This is just one of many stories like this that I have since we have walked out in faith to start a church in the Cleveland metro area. Nothing will stop the direction, focus, or vision that God has imparted to us. Not all of our stories involve money, but I don't want to fail to give God thanks or glory for what he has provided. I also don't want to miss the chance to say thanks to whoever listened to God. If we don't listen to his word, he can't move. We are the hands and feet of his body on earth. Do what he tells you to do!
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