We are back in the Hoosier state once again after spending 6 days in North Carolina for General Conference. There were several amazing "God" moments at the conference that I wanted to share. Almost 400 people received the gift of the Holy Ghost, 2 women got up from their wheelchairs to walk, and a deaf ear was unstopped. God is still performing the miraculous in our generation. We need to stop looking to the past and experiences from yesteryear and keep our eyes focused on what God is doing now. The Bible says that the latter rain, or outpouring in the end times, will be greater than the former rain. Our faith should not be shaken by circumstance, but should hold strong in the truths that we know and demonstrations that we see. The Bible talks about not always seeking for a sign and not always basing things in signs and wonders, however, God encourages us to act on our faith and see the miraculous performed. The only thing that will bring the lost souls of the 21st century to their knees is an apostolic demonstration. Don't fear holding to the truth in this day and age. The truth of the mighty God in Christ, the infilling of the holy ghost, apostolic giving, fellowship, and doctrine, and the miraculous will shake our cities and bring our generation to a knowledge of God. In an era where humanism and politics are our God, theories, ideas, and marketing will not make us stand out. The only thing that will make our truth relevant is its life changing abilities.
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